Singing Guide: Glass Animals

Singing Guide: Glass Animals

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To learn singing like Glass Animals

You must be ready to experiment with your voice and push its boundaries. Glass Animals' lead singer, Dave Bayley has a unique vocal quality that is hard to ignore. In this guide, we will take a look at some of the elements that make up his unique singing style and how you can emulate them in your own singing. Here are some of the tips and resources that will help you learn to sing like Glass Animals:

The Use of Falsetto:

One of the defining elements of Dave Bayley's singing style is his use of falsetto. He uses the technique to evoke a range of emotions and add texture to his songs. To learn to sing like Glass Animals, it is essential to develop your falsetto.

Incorporating Speech-Like Sylables:

Glass Animals is known for incorporating speech-like syllables into their music. This technique adds a unique layer of vocal texture and rhythmic playfulness to their music. To incorporate this technique into your singing, try singing a song with a "la-la-la" or "oh-oh-oh" instead of actual lyrics.

Layered Harmonies:

Glass Animals is known for their complex harmonies, which add depth to their music. To replicate their sound, experiment with layering your vocals to create harmonies. It can be helpful to have a recording device to capture your initial vocal, then layer additional harmonies on top.

Use of Beats and Rhythm:

Glass Animals' music features a signature mix of beats and rhythm, which are essential components of their sound. To learn to sing like Glass Animals, try to match your singing to the beat of the music, emphasizing the rhythmic patterns in the song.

Glass Animals Singing Exercises:

  • Humming - This exercise warms up your vocal cords, aiding in the production of a clean tone. Here is a link to a tutorial video.
  • Breathing exercises for better breath control, pitch accuracy and stamina are crucial for emulating Glass Animals' unique vocal style. Here is a link to a Farinelli Breathing exercise video.
  • 'Twang' Exercise: This technique helps you to produce smoother and brighter vocal tones, similar to Dave Bayley's vocal style used in several Glass Animals' songs. Here is a link to a tutorial video.
  • Falsetto practice here. Warm-up your voice through this pitch training program. By accessing the program, you will learn how to improve your falsetto, build your vocal range and accuracy.

Glass Animals Songs to Cover

  • "Youth": The song is perfect for familiarizing yourself with Dave Bayley's unique blend of falsetto and speech-like syllables.
  • "Gooey": This song features a droning, hypnotic melody backed by Bayley's layered harmonies. It is an excellent example of Glass Animals' use of complex harmonic layering.
  • "Life Itself": With its intricate rhythm and beat structures, this song is an excellent example of Glass Animals' use of rhythm and beat in their music.

Singing Carrots Resources:

  • Discover vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers here.
  • Vocal range test to determine your vocal range and compare it with famous singers.
  • Sing along simple melodies to assess your pitch accuracy here.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: see your sung notes on a virtual piano here.
  • Interactive pitch training, pitch visualizer, and exercises for range and agility. Learn more.
  • Find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference here.
  • Create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio here.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.